Girls of reddit: what are some things that can make a 6/10 guy become a 8/10?


  • Wear plaid flannel shirts, especially the red and black ones.
  • Get a stylish haircut or rock a bald look if you lost your hair (but be the hot bald guy; not the guy who is clinging to his last strands with a sparse combover)
  • Rock a well-groomed 5 o’ clock shadow if you can pull it off
  • Go to the gym and eat well

Mentally (most important) - Be respectful and kind (this will make you hotter than anything) - Own your quirks—if you’re the weird guy who paints model airplanes, be the weird guy and be proud. Quirks make you you and interesting - Be ambitious and motivated - Be playful when you flirt—most girls, including myself love this

/r/AskReddit Thread