Girls of Reddit, what are some wierd things that almost every guy does but they don't realize?

Clearing sinuses in the shower just seems normal, it just starts to happen as warm water loosens up the sinuses, especially when I shower in the morning after the all night phlegm build up, if you don't just straight up snot rocket you have to use your hand, otherwise there is just a foot long phlegm string hanging out of your face, it also may be necessary to pick into the nose to ensure they are 100% clear, the phlegm is on your hands for the amount of time between blowing it out and water landing on your hands (almost immediately washed away) it then washes down a drain and out of your home, then any potential phlegm that could be near the opening of the drain gets soaped up like three different times with shampoo and soap and face wash as well as your hands getting soaped up.

I don't get how this is worse than using a kleenex, with kleenex you can transfer phlegm residue to your hands when blowing and then it is practically impossible to wash them without first touching a door knob and a water faucet, I see people blow there nose and then just continue about their day without washing all the time as well. I find with kleenex it is also difficult to get 100% clearance, which eventually leads to tearing out day old phlegm that has hardened around 10 nasal hairs which then bleed when torn from my face. Kleenex is also extremely wasteful and can be really gross to dump a trash can full into another bin on trash day.

If I don't have total sinus clearance in the shower how am I supposed to trim my nose hair while I shave for work? Girls don't want men with nose hair or visible phlegm but they don't want to hear what's necessary to remove nose hair and phlegm.

I feel like I just took someone to the slaughter house for the first time

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