Girls of Reddit, what are some hints you gave to a crush which flew right over their head (the more obvious, the better)?

Guy here... Oh god I can't believe I did this...Only in hindsight did this seem so obvious

A few years back(2012?) in uni a housemate of mine had a birthday(I think, might have been done other event) and so she invited a bunch of her girlfriends up to the house. So we go out clubbing I'm dancing with everyone as usual, just having a laugh, I've had a few drinks and I'm having a great time just dancing with some new friends.

It gets to about 1am and two of them come upto me and ask if we can get some fresh air and if I could go with them as they don't know the way round the club.So I show them and then we just chat shit for 10mins or so before they say they want to go home and ask me to walk them home.They're friends of my friend so I wana make sure they're okay so agree even though I kinda wanted to dance a bit more but whatever, not the end of the world....

now keep in mind I was maybe 6+ tequilas deep here so my memory was a bit spotty

So were walking home, I'm giving em a bit of a tour of the city on the way back and suddenly I hear one of them say

"I'm gonna get off with 'Mark_the_Martian' tonight"

Now she was a solid 8/10 + sober, so I assume I must have misheard, I mean come on?... It just seemed so out of the blue, I hadn't spoken to her particularly much or anything. So at the risk of sounding creepy and making things awkward with my housemate I just assumed I misheard and got on with walking home.

We get back to the house and the other person we were with headed to bed and she needed to be up early for some reason and the two of us head to the living room to drink and just chat or what ever.

So were on the sofa and she puts her legs across my lap and lies down, nothing that weird , I'm normally a very friendly person so just assumed she had a few drinks and was just relaxed and just chilling(Goddam Netflix ruined that word), we were chatting about random crap, I'm drinking some spirit(whisky or rum) of some form becuase why not?

So she asks me if I have a girlfriend, I laugh it off and say no, and the convo continues. Then we start laughing about stuff and she starts stroking my arm while giggling. Then she asks me to turn the lights off, so drunk me just does it ( I think I called her a weirdo,becuase to drunk me it seemed like a fucking weird thing to do) and i sit back down again. After a min or so I say I'm tried and going to bed, she repeatedly asks me not to, jokingly keeping me in my seat with her legs, so I then proceed to just fall asleep there... Woke up in the morning and she was gone... It was only a day or so later when all my memories came back that I wanted to punch myself in the dick for being so dumb..

/r/AskReddit Thread