Girls with big tits, what the most frustrating thing you have to deal with?

I am a size zero woman who used to have small-to-moderate sized breasts and now in my twenties they've decided to grow big for some reason. I have a 23 inch waist, so my D cups look weird to me. I feel like I'm getting too big for D cups so I'll probably have to size up again soon.

The worst part is not necessarily unwanted male attention (which of course, is obnoxious), but the rude female reaction when men notice me. It's miserable to deal with the jealousy and the glares of other women, some of whom I don't even know. Women hate my chest. Women in my own family put me down and call me whore and other things like that. (They are small-chested. I think I get the big boob gene from my estranged dad's side.) My friends are jealous, too, and seem annoyed when my boobs fill out my clothes. I can't help it. This is my natural body and I kind of like it, but other women make it hard not to be self conscious about it.

It's been harder to be taken seriously at work, as well. I am a teacher so I get unwanted attention from students, and glares from female colleagues. I've been hit on by male colleagues who just stare at my chest. I don't dress provocatively at work. This is just my body type. Men can be super creepy when you have something they want. Women can be downright cruel when you have something they want.

/r/AskReddit Thread