[GIVEAWAY] I'm giving away a Steam game of your choice ($20 or under). Tell me why you deserve it. Proof required.

The game I'd love to play is The Elder Scrolls III - Morrowind.

Why this game? I'm glad you asked!

I've always loved the Elder Scrolls series, as soon as I heard about Skyrim and checked out everything there was to see (lore, gameplays, etc.) I then got interested in the other Elder Scrolls games, first Oblivion, then Morrowind. I could just mash everything up but I'll just separate it to make it easier for everyone.

The Fighting: While it may be outdated when compared to the earliest Elder Scrolls game, Skyrim, the basics of the combat remain, that is, the actual combat being very simplistic, while retaining the fluidity.
What does change though, is the thought before the combat, meaning weapons and spells.

Overall, the basic physical type weapons remain somewhat the same, having different options like the spear and crossbows and different functions like the hit rate and evasion.
The spells however, are very different from both Oblivion and Skyrim, offering both the obvious combat spells as well as other stranger spells such as Blind, Silence and Command, something that you'd need mods for to achieve anything like it in Skyrim.

Gameplay: Swing a sword, cast a spell, go on a random killing spree, hunt down daedric shrines, talk to an orc who thinks he's a kitty, walk on water or observe mad-ash ghouls stacking chairs for no reason at all. All in a days adventuring in Morrowind.
Or, you know, visit the moon jail.

The Lore: They go all out in this series. I go all around the wiki, check out countless lore videos, and go around the Elder Scrolls/Skyrim/Oblivion/Morrowind subreddits (lurking almost exclusively) as well, and to my surprise when I learned about the series I found out there were hidden easter eggs and individual stories everywhere, something I loved discovering for myself in Skyrim, I loved about in Oblivion and I'm without a doubt certain in Morrowind to love it there as well.

To sum it up, Elder Scrolls has argueably the largest and best lore in all video games, and not only that, but Morrowind is said to be the most lore intensive game out of the series, along with Oblivion.

Graphics: While it is true that it is clearly outdated, in my opinion it still has a difference from both Skyrim and Oblivion. Skyrim has the general best graphics and the massive snowy mountains and terrain, Oblivion has the vibrant colours and variant climates, however, Morrowind has so, so much more area to discover and even then, I don't consider the general graphics to be all that different from Oblivion, only the fact that it sees to be a lot more empty, missing components such as grass and trees, which are abundant in both Oblivion in Skyrim.
Then, after all this, there's always the solution of mods, which bring me to my next topic.

Mods: Mods are something that I've always loved using, even with all the frutrations it brings. My view of those frustrations is that they are like the frustrating parts in the games themselves, like an extremely hard boss, though in the end you'll still feel glad and proud of yourself when you beat it.
It won't be as easy as Skyrim and or even Oblivion, however, it's a challenge and the reward is much greater when you finally finish it. Plus, Skywind should be available soon enough, any fan of Elder Scrolls or just Morrowind alone would be hyped for it.

What most peaks my interest: The part I'd definitely love the most would have to be all the abundant amount of things to do and locations to explore, it's massive. You can even go around with a Scroll of Icarian Flight and jump around a hundred feet in the air.
Though I admit, I really do wanna meet that Orc-kitty.

Quests: The quests are just as awesome as any of the other Elder Scrolls game's quests, the only real difference which would actually fall under graphics is the quest interactions is the reactions of the characters you speak with.

Bethesda also seems to have an act for hiding away little things such as easter eggs and references, especially in the lore in this case, and Elder Scrolls is no different.

Terrain, map and general feel: Morrowind still retains the fluidity in both combat and movement as it is usual in Elder Scrolls games and is now normal to be expected. Like mentioned before, Morrowind is massive, and even when considering the age of the game (2002) it still holds up solid even today, and as it is usual of Elder Scrolls games it set the bar higher for the games of it's time, contributing heavily to the improvement to eventually evolve other games into what we have today (hello Fallout 4, you're looking much more handsome than the rest of your Fallout siblings).

The Soundtrack: It's just as amazing as any of the traditional Elder Scrolls games, just take a look at this! It continues, or rather somewhat started, the traditional Elder Scrolls theme song as we know today, a long with the amazing Morrowind only songs, just like Oblivion also has an abundance of its game only songs.

In my opinion, all three games have their own charateristics of each game's theme in the Elder Scrolls theme song, as such you can easily notice the horns in Oblivion's version symbolizing the strong ties the game has to the Imperials, as well as the dragon lyrics in Skyrim's version, obviously symbolizing the dragons.

Why I can't buy it myself: I'm 16, still in school and besides the lack of money, my parents never allowed me or my sister to buy games, all i remember was a Harry Potter game, two Lara Croft games and Meet The Robinson's.

Thanks for reading!

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