Giveaway of Shockwave Totem Build

Hello there fellow SWT enjoyer!

- Just trying out SWT this league and it felt way more SUPERB than any other totem playstyle that I ever did. I have tried Freezing Pulse totem (Pre 3.15), Spark totems, Stormburst totem and Ballista but this SWT seems to be the most enjoyable for me to say the least.

- I am trying cold convert SWT now but my progress is still a bit stall with not much currency. I do hope I got to enjoy the full potential of SWT soon in this league because frankly, I think SWT make me want to play for more and more everyday and grind for the best!

- So what am I going to do If i have been selected by you?
1. First and foremost, trying the Ubers that I have never did before, this will be the pinnacle of my achievement in PoE.
2. Min to the Very Max my character, and maybe even change to Inquisitor. I always switch/reroll character in the middle of the league because somehow I am not able to min-max well. So with the added benefits of your gear, I will be able to finally min-max my SWT and play this character until the very end!
3. At the end of the league, I will theory-craft other variant of SWT and maybe even able to try out different variants with the gear you provided. And I do believe, with your gear, you will inspired me more to try out SWT for every future league with different variants because you are able to let me FEEL the FULL POWARRR of SWT.

And finally, Thank you for doing this giveaway for someone new to SWT like me and even other SWT veterans. You do know, your giveaway like this will let players like me to keep playing, and I swear to god I wont be able to see the sunlight anymore if I am lucky enough to be your pick. :)

Here's my profile :

SWT is love, SWT is life!

/r/pathofexile Thread