GLAAD condemns Dave Chappelle, Netflix for transphobic The Closer

When your observation is basically doubting that a largely persecuted group is getting punched down on, yeah, I feel that you're pretty ignorant of the situation. I don't think it's difficult to at least find an article of this harassment you claim existed and are expecting everyone to take you at face value with nothing to show for it. Or, we can look at why a transgender person might be suicidal, because you act like there aren't many reasons that a person belonging to a group commonly harassed and persecuted might commit suicide. Are you really so fucking dense that maybe identifying she is a trangendered person might open up harassment from other groups? You know, ones that actually hate LGBTQ people?

Would also like to point out that some people belonging to a group acting a certain way does not mean everyone in the group does. Enough with the black and white statements.

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