In Glass Onion (2022), Edward Norton plays the rich billionaire Elon Musk. The character was praised and mystified by the world as a brilliant genius but later turned out to be a dim-witted, brainless jackass. This is a reference to how Elon Musk is in real life.

Whatever company I work for I lose value to the people at the top

No you don't. Otherwise you would not work for them, you would work for yourself.

If I start my own company, then either I don’t make a profit or my employees lose value to me.

Wrong. If your employees lost value to you, they would not work for you.

The main problem with your thinking is that you view wealth as zero sum. It's not.

Imagine this: If working on their own, the business owner would earn 2K and the employee would earn 2K. Working together, the business owner earns 4K and employee earns 4K.

Both are profiting off the contract. Just because the business owner is profiting does not mean the employees are not also profiting.

The workers exploit the owner as much as the owner exploits the workers.

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