Global players right now (Including me, unfortunately)

Color me crazy, but I'm skipping it.

As much as I'd like to have the debuting legends, as a F2P player, I don't pull depending on what legends are on the banner. I just look at cold numbers. And the global limited pool is BAD.

I mean VERY BAD. We are missing Hancock, Sugar, Lanji, Germa. And since those are great but not that much of a gap over units like Law or Shank's Crew, you can safely say we have half the number of top tier units in the pool, here on global.
Oden's part is slightly better, but still, I think Oden packs a punch but is way less interesting than Roger, as an OPTC unit.

I'm personally only missing Roger, Chopper and Mirona from part 1, and 3-4 units including Oden from part 2. If the pool had Hancock and Sugar I would have pulled for sure, but as it is, it's not worth wasting gems on, for me.

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