Global trades would just encourage more trading

You do realize you just explained that these people you are 'Lucky Friends' with are not actually in any way friends of yours and are just randoms you've leveled up friendship with after adding through Poke Genie (third-party app)? Why should you get to simply add random people via a third-party app, do minimal effort in opening/sending gifts, and then get to fill out your entire regional Pokedex? I don't think anyone is saying that wouldn't be nice in theory but the point I think you and many are missing is that sometimes it's better to have layers of difficulty that are NOT balanced in order to create 'balance'. This is a game and not everyone deserves to have a perfect IV Shiny of every Pokemon, nor does anyone deserve any specific entry in their Pokedex. Play to the game's rules and make it happen if you want regionals.

/r/TheSilphRoad Thread Parent