Glyphosate revolt rocks Germany Inc.: Bayer's management board suffers massive vote of no confidence over glyphosate.

Yes, lie's happen still today. u/Decapentaplegia just recently said a link I posted was related only to people.... well I'll let you read it

Hold on... that study is about people who have intentionally consumed glyphosate as a failed suicide attempt. Is that really the point you're trying to make, that you have to drink a huge amount of it to get sick? Dish soap (full of surfactants) will also make you sick if you drink a bottle of it.

I can't find out how suicide is related to the link and have asked but maybe you could tell me if the link is suicide related or not, I mean it's just a hazardous substance link as far as I could tell, but I suppose it adds to mucking up the waters but at this stage I can't see why.

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