GM Torb Main Fuey500 got banned

The thing is "no good reason" is subjective.

I remember there were consecutive matches with duo-queue trolls. Like 3-4 in a time span of a couple of hours.

And they kept telling the other team to, and this is a quote "report Get he called me a nigger" And if it was the next game, they would say I called them that last game, or another slur.

I did no such thing. The first game, I just asked if either could switch (They were playing Widow and Hanzo funny enough) because we needed an explosive/AOE DPS to deal with Winston, Orisa, and Rein barriers. (Yeah, other team had 3 tanks. Hey it worked.)

And that was it. I find out as the game is progressing, they are just trolling hard and throwing. I didn't say anything after that as the attention would only encourage them. But because I asked one of them to switch near the start, and I was the only person who typed anything in the chat, I was singled out and harassed for the next 2-3 games.

Now, let's say I openly defended myself. Who would you believe, two people who made the initial accusation, or the person who was caught off guard and responding to it. If I said "Report X and Y, they're just trolls" and then one responds with "Get is a racist, he called me the n-word" and their duo queue backs them up; I'm already outnumbered by populous.

It's why I avoid saying anything at any time outside GL HF, GR, and GG WP. Why I don't go in voice, why I'm starting to hate playing this game more and more. I'm reminded every day of the maturity level of the majority that play this game. And just saying, 40 year old married men can be just as bitchy as a 13 year old girl and vice versa. (13 year old can be mature, subdued, polite, and kind as a 40 year old mormon, or whatever)

So, yeah. The only winning move is not to play.

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