$GME & $AMC Line comparation, from the last 5 Days...

$5 - $500 isn't getting played. Getting played is not selling at $500 or buying in after it hit and continuing to hold expecting a squeeze not realizing that a stock increasing by 1000% is a squeeze. Volkswagen was 5x base stock value. GameStop hit 100x base stock value. I know this is going to oblivion, but those who downvote this will come around one day. I was right with you until this morning and now I can't believe I didn't realize it. Do whatever you want to do. I like the stocks, but I'll get back in for long game when it dips to a reasonable low again. Not very WSB, but that is where this stock is going IMO and I just like the stocks. Not financial advice, because I am retarded lmao.

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