$GME Daily Discussion - April 20, 2021

I dropped an Adderall in my crayon box so for the last 4 hours I've been doing a lot of DD narrowing down which dates the MOASS can happen.

While my list of possible dates is not exhaustive, they are dates in which the squeeze would maximize meme potential based on what random holiday is happening:

4/22 - Earth Day 4/23 - Impossible Astronaut Day, ALSO Random Take a Chance Day for anyone who still hasn't bought their shares 4/25 - Telephone Day, for margin calls

5/5 - Astronaut Day 5/7 - No Pants Day, shorts r fuk 5/9 - Other Mother's Day 5/11 - Twilight Zone Day, also Third Shift Worker Day for all you future whistle-blowers 5/20 - Be a Millionaire Day 5/25 - May Revolution Day

6/4 - Hug Your Cat Day 6/6 - D-Day 6/21 - Take Your Cat to Work Day 6-28 - DTCC Insurance Awareness Day

7/8 - Video Game Day 7/10 - Kitten Day 7/14 - Citadel Has No Clothes Day 7/17 - Lottery Day 7/20 - Moon Day

As you can see there is no shortage of dates and I'm going to HODL indefinitely for the memes.

Source: https://nationaltoday.com/

/r/Superstonk Thread