$GME Daily Discussion - June 10, 2021

Ok so here is my current understanding. I've been trying to figure out this exact thing all morning.

Shares outstanding = 71.82m

RC can't vote his 9m shares

Eligible shares to vote (71.82-9) =62.82m (assuming all other insiders can vote)

Votes = 55.5m

Therefore GME got 55.5m votes out of a possible 62.82 (88%)

Further the vote can be normalised down if there's an over vote. Theoretically it's possible to be normalised down so the total is 88%, although I don't understand this and don't know how likely that is.

That also doesn't account for people who couldn't vote and people buying more since the share record date in April. But also we don't know how many shares institutions held and voted.

So it's not bad news but also not immediately obvious whether it's slam dunk news either, IMO.

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