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Things that really piss me off about this sub, besides the people piling on false or incorrect information even after it gets debunked. Is about raising topics that have inherent critical thinking and just because it's something they don't like or misconstrue as FUD it gets down voted to hell and buried. Then someone in the sub more notable or famous will say the same thing and get 8k Karma for the same post sentiment and everyone totally agreeing. I realized that if you're going to bring up something controversial and your not super known or famous then you have wait until everyone else is talking about it so your comment can be seen. One example is the yesterday's post about news outlet implying GME investors are responsible for the downfall of US economy. 3 months back I wrote about this very same scenario along with a DRS comment that was suppose to be a post on DRS and book entry differences from 5 months ago, but then I got into speculating what the US government, SEC, DTCC and MSM would do leading up to and during MOASS but it just got down voted very quickly and other "Apes" basically making humor to de-legitimize my point. And lastly I am one of the earliest members from this sub joined from the other subs and I cannot post here because Karma requirements and ya'll seriously missed out some good and insightful content. So you get this idea that it's pointless to post or comment here. But still in the daily threads I always try post things to keep morale and help other Apes keep things in perspective. See you Monday when the Market opens. I'm done with my rant.

/r/Superstonk Thread