God has become tired of humanity, recently retired and left you in charge. Do you leave the rules exactly as they currently are and if not, what changes will you be making?

1) Human beings are immortal, indestructible, eternally young, immune to diseases (viruses, bacteria, traumatic, genetic, psychological, psychiatric, etc). If you are above 35 biologic years of age, you may choose a new biological age to change to every 5 years, provided that biological age is below 70 years.

2) Human beings no longer need food, water or sleep to survive. You can still eat, drink and sleep if you so desire, by “creating” the feelings of hunger, thirst and drowsiness. You can still be affected by alcohol, nicotine and all other manner of drugs and medications (not that you’ll need many), though their effects have a limit to their potency.

3) Human beings can no longer take violent actions against other Human Beings (hurting, stabbing, shooting, kidnapping, restraining, etc...), they can no longer intentionally perform an action with malicious intent. If manipulated so they unintentionally perform such an action, they are stopped as well.

4) All Humans can set a “Recall Point” to a certain preffered landmark, and teleport to it at will, twice a day. Every major and minor city in the world also has a General Purpose Recall Point to which anyone who lives in the city can attune to, or teleport to should their original Recall Point be destroyed/unreachable/unsafe.

5) Humans can now easily learn almost any topic with remarkable precision, and perfect critical sense. All Humans, at exactly 14 years of age, instantly learn basic (complete high school level of knowledge) biology, chemistry, geography, physics, math and philosophy. They may recall all knowledge they acquired from this instant flash of learning at any point, perfectly.

6) Humans no longer suffer from cognitive biases when that would lead them to take toxic/unfair/violent action against or hold an unethical view of an individual/group of individuals. Attempting to hold prejudice against a group of individuals instantly causes you to learn about their culture, customs and way of life to an extensive amount. You may also consciously elect to instantly learn about any desired culture at will, without a prompt caused by hate.

7) Basic infrastructure is instantly built everywhere, replacing existing, underperforming infrastructure, in ways that would not prevent the effective, uninterrupted functioning of any already existing systems. Shanty towns become actual living quarters, unpaved roads are paved, water, internet electricity access is now easy to acquire and perfectly distributed. All continents are now connected by extensive, floating civilian vehicle roads/train lines/industrial transportation lines. All vehicles are now automatically driven, and can only be manually controlled in case of an emergency or in specially designed areas.

8) All planets on the Solar System are terraformed to as close to Earth as possible. Humans can now also survive while exposed to any range of different gravity values and weather patterns due to their indestructibility.

9) Humans can still elect to die, if desired. It requires that you complete multiple, complex and interlocked metaphysical systems (you gotta visit a special Mind Palace) while sound of mind, and out of your own, non-manipulated individual volition. If anyone attempts to force you to access these systems, even if you genuinely desire to die, you’ll be temporarily denied access, and the individual will be silenced, teleported to a safe location far away and mentally berated at by a figure that looks like themselves. If anyone attempts to force a same individual more than 2 times, they’ll be suppressed whenever they elect to intentionally get close to/interact with the target person.

/r/AskReddit Thread