God Bless Frank Cho

Are you denying that it is new readership making these new complaints and not the old? That is a simple matter of fact. New readers have new wants and are voicing them more vocally than ever because the internet makes slacktivism super easy and also super rewarding to the ego.

And Spider-Man is described as the male equivalent of words like sultry. Yes, rarely will you hear sultry (outside of certain popular fanfics, I'm sure) in regards to a male hero, but that is because it is a gendered word, and whether you or I like it or not, gendered words exist. For a young male idol it might be 'dreamy' or 'brooding' or etc, but let us not pretend that women can't have the same sexual proclivities against men as men have against women. The insane popularity of the Twilight franchise is proof-positive against ANY argument that women are incapable of fetishizing men in a demeaning manner.

You're also getting off point with the -contextualizing- argument. I hear it all the time and it seems to be the last bullet in the faulty gun of this line of reasoning. I'm sorry, however you contextualize something, you cannot do a wrong thing that you yourself deride without being a hypocrite.

And you're pushing the argument into a wider space than it needs to be. I've already previously said as a given that there is sexism in comics, and that a lot needs to be done to correct that, I was simply saying that 'Spider-Poses' was not one of them.

We're getting to a point where stories don't even matter anymore. I mean sure, comics have never been high art, but now it has gotten so insular. A bunch of aging hipster douches desperately clinging to any flash-in-the-pan twitter-versy to remain relevant and have stock in the youth market. If that's what you want comics to be, a bunch of old (mostly) men pretending they care about the same issues as you and making the most pandering and ham-fisted points in boring narratives, be my guest. Hopefully when the dust settles there will still be dumb stories about space-horses slapping each other with hammers for the rest of us to enjoy in peace.

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