I know why God doesn't hear my prayers (Check it out)

Yes, but you can even put it this way, people that carry themselves with confidence don't have any barriers, Jesus is our example, unstoppable, not even Satan with his legions, the Roman empire or the Jewish leaders where a barrier for him, he said to follow his footstep. It is when you love yourself, like the Bible says, and put all your trust in Jesus that you can follow him. This mindset is important, because life is going to through punches at you, disapointments, heartaches, abandonment from others and suffering is unavoidable....if you don't believe in yourself it will be almost impossible to do the NoFap challenge, because there are going to be urges, sleepless nights and temptations that will defeat you if you are feeling like you are worth it. OP and all of us need to build a self confidence of steel, but also be humble and not arrogant, but when you love yourself as much as you love your neighbor and God....there really are no barriers, you can accomplish anything...this is the mindset of winners, because life is hard, and disapointments are coming....but you have to believe in yourself and look in the mirror and love everything about you without any doubt.

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