God is not good in the Exodus story

Jesus' advocate is a fun game to play :)

I think the best (admittedly handwavy) justification for God's apparently immoral or unloving actions that I heard as a practicing Christian is that God is akin to a Chess Grandmaster. His plan is so complex, involves so many interconnected elements and events, and looks so far into the future, that a new "chess player" couldn't even hope to comprehend it. Sure, he sacrificed a few valuable pieces and made some moves that look bad from your short-term perspective, but in the long game everything is going as planned for a glorious victory for the grandmaster. You might be thinking three moves ahead, but he's thinking 20.

You're probably thinking, "Well, sure, but is this really the best plan an infinitely intelligent AND powerful being could come up with? He couldn't tone down the suffering and death just a little?" But remember, his plan is beyond your comprehension. It's working towards something so good that it will make up for all of that, if only you could see the bigger picture.

Or, I guess, my least favorite justification is that all humans are sinners by nature and thus God is merciful to let you live longer at all. If he kills you, that was justice. I don't think that's a very fun god to try to defend, though.

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