The god proposition has simply never met its burden of proof.

You can’t just say “lots of people believe in some kind of deity” as if that’s evidence. It’s an argument from agreement (bandwagon fallacy). You then make a fatal appeal to ignorance (if it’s not proved false it must be true). This is patently absurd because it has not yet been proven that a magic serpent in the core of the earth is secretly influencing crypto-currency trades, therefore it must be true.

Yes, there are many states of consciousness. It’s quite a monumental leap to then claim 1.) consciousness is different from the brain (as if there was no connection between the brain and consciousness) and then even further go on to claim 2.) therefore god exists. That’s quite a non sequitur.

I’m not addressing the UPR because that was just silly, and OP addressed this sufficiently.

/r/DebateReligion Thread