Going in for a FNA Tuesday...how worried should I be?

TSH doesn’t indicate overactive. TSH, in my opinion, unless it’s one extreme or the other, doesn’t indicate anything in its own, especially when medicated. Don’t down vote me because your opinion is different

There are hundreds of thousands of people with a “normal” TSH that are extremely hypo. How you can you rely on ONE test that is measuring the pituitary gland, not even the thyroid and think that you know everything that going on. It’s bad medicine, and it’s archaic. More and more Drs are seeing that only testing TSH is harmful and misses a lot. If you really understand what TSH is, then it would make logical sense to you that it would be suppressed when medicated. Maybe you need to learn about it’s purpose before you just parrot back what your Dr says or what you see other people say.

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