Going in for a kiss too early

I was very interested in a coworker I was getting to know outside of work. We texted, talked on the phone, wrote letters, I felt butterflies around him.

I was pursued somewhat often back in those days, so I was always cautious about a guy’s intentions, no matter how much I liked him.

He went in for a kiss, and I smiled and turned my head so he could kiss me on the cheek. Not the first or the last time I ever did that. The strange thing with this one was that he KEPT GOING IN FOR THE KISS. I had to turn my head several times, and being the romantic that I am, I felt like it really ruined the moment. After that, I couldn’t get myself to feel as excited around him as before.

For some people like myself, kisses are significant. I would rather wait to get to know someone before giving them access to my body before I’m ready.

/r/datingoverthirty Thread