going to miss the D bag fights

Sadly I think this opinion may be a hit.

Folks are severly conditioned to hate their human counterparts.

Everyone processes things different.

Some? Disbelief. Others? Hyper fear/paranoia. Still others? Bury head in sand.

If you enjoy watching this shitshow unfold I hate to say it but you are part of the problem.

Now that the lab leak theory is mainstream?

Wait till how fd peoples heads will be when the Airborne AIDS theory gets mainstream.

Before folks go screaming “Airborne AIDS, such misinfo impossible whacky conspiracy nut ewww”

Here’s the Source Paper from Wuhan Institute of Virology where they detail how they spliced HIV with bat Coronaviruses and infected human tissue with the said Chimera Virus

/r/unpopularopinion Thread