Going on 4+ months on RC benzos

what country ya from?

i was and still am dependent on alcohol and research benzos for many years, 51 days sober from alcohol now

drank from waking up till going to bed for 5 years about a handle a day, took and still taking daily/nightly clonazolam and etizolam for 3 years, 1.3mg clonazolam and 1-4mg etizolam

Hows it been? I went to a doctor and told them about my mess (this was when I was still drinking) told them about etizolam... was wanting to get a FDA approved benzo prescription and get off the rc benzos for legitimate crippling anxiety disorders but was just given a taper dose of librium. Went to another doctor who specialized in addiction, told him about etizolam and alcohol use, he refers me to another doc ive yet to see. Just kinda given up at the moment doctor wise

Considered going to the hospital many times when I was just drinking, on the mornings where I couldn't get the drink down and the DTs were beginning to bubble up. Discovered benzos and have been able to stay alive and out of the hospital.

Would love to hear your experiences

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