I was going to put Wally but I didn't want death threats from the Wally West Cult

I guess we just disagree fundamentally then. I think stories about a legacy hero getting the blessing from the original can be good and powerful and worth telling, but I absolutely do not think it’s always necessary. I think you can create equally powerful stories from a new hero taking a mantle without permission. It can be fun to see a character rebel against authority, or do what they believe is right in the face of being told it’s wrong. I also think it’s important to remember that these characters are fictional and Yara being Wonder Girl doesn’t like, “insult” Cassie or anything like that. Making new identities is always fun, but like, Jon Kent being Superman carries a lot more weight than him being “Flamebird” or whatever new name he might be given. There’s an admission there that the character is disposable.

idk. imo it’s the same line of thinking that treats Nightwing as a stepping stone job on the way to Batman. I’m just not a fan of stories that treat these mantles like they’re things you have to write a cover letter for. but i have learned my thinking is very very unpopular here and on the main sub so i may just not hop in on these conversations any more lol

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