going uni for the wrong reasons

There's no right or wrong reason to go to university. You should pick something you want to study about but not everyone can afford to. Sometimes you gotta pick what you have to in order to get into a uni that will accept you if you want to go that route. If you want it for the social and indepdence side that's fine too. It's your life. You do you. As long as you get something out of it. And even if you don't then treat it as a learning experience on what not to do in the future. University is what you make of it.

Granted there are some things out of our control like those whose university was affected by lockdown, the pandemic, and the war in Ukraine, etc. Among other things that life throws at you. However, for the most part university is not strictly about studying or even doing a degree you are passionate about. Having any degree that you pass is good because employers usually only care about a degree.

You can still get a good job in many fields like retail or hospitality with a degree even if it was not what you studied for. So my advice is to try to pass your course and stick it out and see it through. You can still end up with a casual 9-5 job and you will have more prospects then the average lay person if you do graduate. If not that's ok too. As long as you are happy and have means to get a job without a degree.

/r/UniUK Thread