This Gold V Kayn is insane...

Yes, because on Reddit, having Challenger map awareness while being Gold is par for the course.
It's funny how random players can apparently do it effortlessly and consistently while you can regularly see Challenger level streamers getting screwed by a global skillshots in 1v1 situations, or even after said fights.
It's easy to exagerate everything on the internet, but I can safely say people on my servers dont have that kind of map awareness, not even close.

No one is saying that moving back and forth to dodge is hard, but humans tend to second-guess themselves when they have to dodge that fast, but this guy didnt have the shadow of a doubt, he moved flawlessly and dodged with perfect timing... Then for some reason started worrying about getting hit by the skillshot he just succesfully dodged, which goes completely opposite to the confidence he had one second earlier.

I was comparing his mouse movements to his own mouse movements from earlier, were he was clicking a lot more, so the argument doesnt really apply here.
But yeah, now that I think about it, the only impressive thing about this play was dodging Draven's ult, since he was either scripting or panic clicking to dodge Syndra's Q, which makes the probability of it being a random godlike dodge much more likely

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