Golden Time: Am I the only one left with deep dissatisfaction from its ending?

Linda suffered the dreaded, “childhood friend” ending, sadly.

I agree that Koko and Banri’s relationship seemed forced. He did help her to grow as a person and she stuck through to the bitter end but it didn’t quite have that deeper connection. Their relationship didn’t evolve into something “more”, or at least where it should have been.

The Linda relationship did seem more natural/plausible, and my only gripe was that she didn’t try as hard as Koko throughout the series. Even when, understandably, she wanted to keep her distance. It seemed like she needed that extra “push” to really earn that happy ending.

All in all, the ending seemed to be lacking because it didn’t quite have that last part at the end where the characters made an active decision fo take things in another direction of their own accord. (In other words, the ending seemed like it was more contrived.)

Generally speaking, though. Ghost Banri and the rushed ending seem to be the most common complaints about the show. You’d most likely find yourself in good company with the sentiments.

The story might have benefitted from a straight telling of the story instead of relying on plot devices and endings that kind of came out fo nowhere.

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