Was gone from my apartment for an period of time and when I came back water meter had been used and shower was wet. Need to figure out what happened.

No, you're beyond psychotic. Before I thought you were a troll, but I know you are schizophrenic and psychotic. Not once, ever, have I ever even mentioned neighbors, or anyone who can view my apartment through any means, including windows. Not once. Not once have I or anyone used the word stalker. I don't think I have a stalker nor have I ever implied I do. I simply posted a question on here and two very sick and mentally ill individuals glommed onto it because of their own need for drama and attention. Even if I had claimed I did, who are you to refute what I'm saying when you don't know me or the actual situation? Do you notice how normal the other commenters are in comparison to you and this other person? Your behavior isn't normal in any way. No one who is normal goes on like this, makes up things that don't exist, and starts fights with people over things like this.

I'm not trying to be mean but you sincerely need help. You aren't well, and neither is the other poster.

And since you or the other poster have claimed that edited comments and posts are cached, please find this nonexistent comment or post about my neighbors that has NEVER EXISTED. I am now more than ever convinced you are a paranoid schizophrenic.

/r/RBI Thread Parent