Gonna just come right out and say it, Disliking Slash doesn't make you homophobic.

I agree with you.

It basically said "Haphne is Drarry for people who are Homophobic."

I read that too and thought that it was rather silly saying that. And, aside from the rather correct comment that followed stating that Daphne and Draco are two rather different characters, (which got memed on last time I checked), I dislike reading slash simply because I am straight.

That isn't to say that I am Homophobic, I don't mind other people's sexuality, that is not how I was raised. I simply dislike reading slash because I like to put myself into the perspective of the main character, I like to identify myself with them. For the very same reason, I usually tend to avoid stories that are written from a female point of view. Simply because it is harder for me to put myself into their perspective.

And it's not like I only avoid reading fics that feature slash (as the main pairing), I, as mentioned before, tend to avoid a large selection of stories. I avoid pairings I dislike, no matter if they are slash or het. I avoid stories that are from a female point of view, simply because I can identify myself better with a pov from a boy who is around my age. I avoid reading stories that are badly written because that is my preference...

These are all preferences, and I shouldn't be called sexist or homophobic, simply because I choose to read something in my free time that is more to my preference.

I don't go around downvoting or shit-talking on stories or discussions simply because they feature slash. I don't disrespect people based on their opinions...

I just am not interested in spending my free time, doing something I like differently, only to please someone with a different opinion to mine, is that so bad? Why am I the homophobe now?

/r/HPfanfiction Thread