Gonna go on a long rant about what I dislike about the game right now.

My take

The game had no heart

It feels dull. It doesn't feel like I'm playing a game from 2017.

I get it's a WW2 get but fuck the weapons FEEL like rusty old shit. It's not fun. Haven't found a weapon yet that feels good or smooth. ARs feel like they're gonna fall apart.

Maps are mess and some of the worst I've seen. Countless headglitches,absurd angles,boring thoughtless lanes. No maps that I feel excited to play or hope to vote on. It's more vote for whatever isn't Texas or Gustav

Scorestreaks are a joke. I rarely see any high ones called in,counter uav got fucked,and a lot of the streaks are fast trash that take forever to get. Sad when glide bomb might be the best in the game. Not asking for MW2 type games,but the lack of streaks can make games VERY dull

Divisions were a mistake. Took away too many options (Seriously pissed I can't put suppressors on ARs but oh it's fine for CQC smgs...). Take too long to level up and a huge step back from the pick 10 system.

Lag/bit detection is insane. Shoot first die first,4-6 hitmarkers and get melted anyways,etc. It's a mess

HQ is a glorified menu made to sell Supply drops. Absolutely boring and useless. Nothing to do and I feel it's be much cleaner with a regular menu. Don't care about running around with randoms in a small area just to prestige/open a drop/take an order,etc. That could be done quicker and cleaner in a menu.

/r/WWII Thread