Gonna be trying ETH-LAD for the first time.

250-300ug is the sweet spot for me and I too have gone over 1000 on lsd. 300ug Eth-lad +100 1p required me to do alot more mental work to keep it enjoyable vs sliding to audio visual blindness and deafness, coupled with thought loops. It has an incredibly deep head space. It manufactures visuals and sound on top of whatever visual and auditory stimuli are actually present. Other lysergimides enhance what's already present. Eth-lad layers audio and visuals on top of everything. It's the most visual lysergimide by far. I like intense experiences and it delivers, but if you push it too far, you are going to be struggling to decide what to do next and thinking about an exit strategy. I have always managed to move from music, to live sports, to anime, to movies/TV shows, to laying down in bed to stare at the ceiling, stand up comedy, to visualiser videos to eating a or having a beer at just the right time. On that note, have some benzos on hand. It isn't as easy as I'm making it sound, but you sound like you have alot of experience as well.

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