This is as good as it is going to get

Normal retards experience that void, but I sure don't. I hope you don't either.

To me the fundamental skills of being able to live through such a meaningless time are to be able to live on extremely cheap food sources, be able to go long periods without eating, be knowledgeable of vitamin/mineral supplementation so that diet doesn't kill you, and lastly be able to entertain yourself.

I could entertain myself for literal years with a set of dice and a guitar and freedom to wander around.

I can work out anywhere. Only recently did I realize how uncommon that is, when I met someone who was institutionalized for a month and itching to get to a gym upon release.

For me survival is something I can do easily as I have reduced my needs to near zero, but I can easily thrive in this meaningless age because I find my own fun and meaning and don't really care what others think because they are retards chained to their desk at the dildo factory.

"Man I sure hope my kid studies hard for 13 hours a day to get a good job working indefinite 13 hour days to micromanage a tiny part of an operation that sells deep fried iPhones to fat people! If he doesn't I will be VERY disappointed!"

This is how normal retards think and why I absolutely do not care about them.

/r/accountt1234 Thread