The good guy/bad guy myth leads to concentration camps

Historical Nazis were delusional though. They talked themselves into blaming Jews for being like the Illuminati. However, if the Jews were an international cartel controlling world events, how come so few countries accepted Jewish refugees from Europe during WWII? The whole rationale behind antisemitism falls apart under any type of closer scrutiny.

The cause of the holocaust was likely the collective German need for catharsis due to overly severe and harsh child-rearing practices at the turn of the 20th century.

Wars, I have shown, result from fear, not “greed” or “aggressiveness” as most theories of war claim. They are outcomes of early childhood fears of helplessness — creating a “time bomb” set to go off when adults believe too much freedom is resented by the inner parental voices. These voices that command them to kill — whether they are labeled “God” or “Providence” or “Motherland” — are implanted during childhood in their dissociated early fear network. The voices tell them they are bad for wanting things for themselves and must be punished, and the child —rather than losing the parent’s care (usually the mother’s care, since historically fathers were mainly missing during the child’s early years) — fuses with the persecuting parent and punishes someone else as a “Bad Self” scapegoat. This group-fantasy of a fusion with the Powerful Motherland always takes place before wars and genocides, showing itself in the familiar grandiose feelings of being swept up and transformed by the nation and then accusing enemies of what you were accused as a child.

The killing of “Bad Self” enemies is done so that the Punitive Motherland will once again love and care for you once you have purified your sinfulness. The Holocaust was very much a “Victory Through Sacrificial Purification” group-fantasy. As we will soon see, every sinful attribute ascribed to the Jews is a repetition of “sinful” qualities German and Austrian parents routinely ascribed to their own children. The psychodynamics of wars are exactly the same as in the self-destructive behaviors of individuals — like self-cutters, who satisfy the inner voices demanding they suffer for their sins by making token cuts to their arms. The Holocaust was a similar self-destructive sacrifice of a part of the body politic to satisfy the parents’ punitive voice in their head. Self-cutting, like genocide, makes people feel alive, reborn. As one self-cutter put it, “I feel really alive again, when I’d been feeling so dead…Now I’M in control of the pain again….The blood drained something bad from me.”5 Similarly, the Jews had to be “cut out” of Germania to “purify” it, to remove its “badness,” which was really the “badness” ascribed to itself as a child, saying it “must have been” the reason for mommy not loving it, for her abandoning it, for her torturing and assaulting it.

Racist nationalism is not “love” of your nation. It is worship of your Motherland, clinging to Her to get some attention — since she doesn’t love you when you are so independent — and you feel abandoned. And nationalist leaders like Hitler are not “loved” either; they are feared, clung to and followed blindly, because they are delegates of the Motherland and whose task it is to designate the “Bad Selves” (symbolically bad children) which have to be sacrificed — both externally in wars and internally in scapegoats.


/r/JordanPeterson Thread