Good lord- just witnessed a FB safe sleep group completely annihilate a mom over the Snoo.

I’ve never seen a more outrageous Facebook group before. I sincerely hope that a journalist or actual sleep expert takes an interest in exposing this horrendous group. They regularly mock their members, tell stressed out and sleep deprived parents to fuck off, and call folks ignorant baby killers. They claim some high ground on “evidence” without articulating what their standards are for what constitutes evidence nor what the qualifications are for these moderators who dole out incredibly black and white guidance on gray area topics (eg they declare formula and breast milk to be the exact same and say there is ZERO benefit to breastfeeding in developed countries and if you disagree and point to evidence and international guidelines they call you a “lactavist” and kick you out). Honestly stay far, far away from this cult of self appointed sleep regulators.

/r/SnooLife Thread