Good old gun control

fucking let him.

You can't let him, that's the point. Americans want Trump to be authoritarian, they are putting their faith in him, that he will make the right decisions, like allowing Americans to speak ill of Muslims, and not allowing Muslims to speak ill of Americans.

That's a huge part of the reason Americans want Trump, they understand that to quell Islamic radicalism, they have to forego some freedoms. They are okay with it, because they know it won't be forever, it will just be for a short while.

Alright back to guns:

You're right you can't just walk in and get one.

The AR-15 is one of the easier assault rifles to get, it's not even that big really. Hand guns you virtually have no limits, you can get what you can pay for.

There are laws in place, the problem I think is, he bought the guns, and the warning system in place wasn't quick enough to get the FBI to investigate him. Basically maybe the gun shop didn't keep up to date records, or digitize them and have the FBI have access to them because (it would be an invasion of privacy). Also registering guns and things like that take time, so he likely didn't set off any flags fast enough, and that system has to change.

Something that Canada has is a registry for guns, so everyone that owns one is inputted into the same registry and law enforcement can check. The problem for the US is, since it's so large, it's hard to create a Federal gun registry.

If that was created, then everyone that legally owned guns would be easily identifiable, also it should be updated in real time so as soon as someone buys a gun, a flag goes off, and if it's deemed to be suspicious they can go and question the person.

The problem is really just rights, but with the rise of Trump, people are willing to forego some rights, so I'm sure if it was proposed, they would allow it.

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