Good ole Conservatives

American version...

Hello, I would deport every non American out of the country. I would build a border that NO ONE could cross. Drones would hover over it like they are flies on a hot summer day. All illegal kids be sent back to their countries with a care package explaining not to come back without a invitation. I would protect the minorities of this country. I would not allow their jobs to be stolen by Illegal aliens who work here for low pay and send the money back to their homeland. We should empower the American workforce 1st, we have enough men and women to build the workforce of this country and make every other country envious . Illegal Muslims will be kicked out of this country and hunted down if they do not comply. Radical Muslims that are citizens would be put on watch. No terrorist attacks on our soil would happen on my watch. Attack Iran, Syria, Libya, North Korea and any other country that wants to threaten freedom will be on this list. No troops on the ground. Strategic bombing in all countries all at once. Send Israel all the weapons and support they need. Destroy every terrorist government in the world. No if, and, or buts. Isis dead. Hamas Dead. Kim Jung ill Dead. Clean this world up in one stroke. I (USA) might be hated today, but ten years later We would be the Great Liberator of the world of oppression and tannery. I would then focus inward and start by strengthening the military. Support research through NASA and other government agencies that have been cut. Focus on the cost of tuition. Cut Collegiate spending and empower the states to have more control. Repeal Obama Care and turn health care over to the states. Employee random drug screening for people on government assistance. Mandatory job training for people on government assistance. I would set up food depots in low income areas to provide healthy meals and assistance on how to eat healthy (help with health care costs). If they don't like it then starve or go to jail. I would allocate 1 billion dollars to each state to build more prisons. I would allocate 1 billion dollars to each state to strengthen their protective services and fire and rescue services in the state. I would allocate 2 billion to each state to build the best Eduction system in the world. Review all course curriculum in our schools and form an independent team to create truthful books that will strengthen the bond and faith in this country. Not tear it apart. I would destroy the unions that hold our country hostage and do not allow us to be competitive in the world. Cut corporate tax and restore manufacturing in this country. We could start trimming right away wasteful spending. Force government to go on a diet . Every government depart will be forced in the first year to trim their budget by 10% and 5% for the next two years. Open up all rights to our mineral deposits. Drilling anywhere, fracking, mining and any other way to make the US the fuel depot of the world. Make everyone dependent on you and you have True Control. Then you can stop War, Rape, Poverty, Genocide, Slavery, and any other cause we need to fix. Lead from the front and people will follow. I hope you enjoyed my dream world..

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