Good Parenting

Except for a measly kicking of the gens, there is just nothing to do for the killer to prevent gen completion, except for killing survivors.
You get almost no points for „protecting“ the generators as long as possible.
Running around with Pop and kicking every generator without killing gives you nothing except for a lost game.
The number of completed generators is a shitty measurement of how successful your killer game is.
You can kill everyone by the time 2 generators are left or when two gates are open. In both cases you have won.

I have no idea what are you getting at here. Yes I think you’d still be rewarded with adrenaline for completing one of the major objectives as survivor.

With the „rewarding“ I was referring to the killer.
Because you make it sound like the killer never deserves to get noed.
That’s why I came up with the example of a successful killer game with 2 kills and lots of hooks.
Would you still say the killer didn’t have to work for his noed?

That’s why from the start I’ve been saying „one of the objectives“, not the main objective/mission.

Really? You said main objective two times.

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