Good place to buy vitamins and supplements online in Thailand for delivery?

if you spend 5mins in the thai sun as a white person you'll be above the RDA.

That's just plain simply not true. I'm a white person. I used to work outside with my shirt off in the sun for hours in Alabama.

Went to the doctor and found I was STILL Vitamin D defecient.

Not only that the recommended daily amount is actually WAY WAY WAY too low.

You should actually be getting around 1,000 IUs a day per 25 pounds of body fat.

For me that's about 8,000 IUs a day.

If I laid out in direct sunlight for 45 minutes every single day, I still wouldn't get that amount.

And if you DID lay out in the sun that long you'd be damaging your skin.

So oral is your best bet.

/r/Thailand Thread Parent