Good Stock Market Times [Giveaway]

It was insane. I couldn't believe it happened. But basically what went down is that my host university didn't have enough room for international students, and lots of people pre-empted that and paid for campus housing even before acceptance letters were sent out. Erring on the side of caution I didn't do that and went for housing on the private market. Apartment rentals are bad for a student budget so I went for room rentals - and this was a little outfit located upstairs of the landlady's little cafe establishment.
On the SECOND night, her other tenant, a 66-year-old man living in another room opposite me, started to chat me up in the kitchen. I didn't think too much of it because... old man, right? He had a son my age too. Then as the night goes on, he gets worse. Bad enough that I pushed him away and he still didn't get out of my room. Thankfully nothing... extreme happened, but I was frightened enough to push my bed against the door because he'd hidden my room key from me.
The next morning the cops showed up because I'd called my parents back home. The landlady comes up and I decide to tell her first - but of course she decides to go ahead and confront the old man, but she wants me to send the police away. I did that. Later on, she calls the old man out for a talk with me and he denies everything, claiming that he forgot what happened. She went ahead and sided with him, claiming that it's not in his nature to do anything like that, since he has a son my age too.
I was just flabbergasted. I understand (from a business POV) why she didn't want to alienate a long-time customer (he's been a tenant there for a long time) but she wanted to sweep everything under the carpet. I knew that I wouldn't get any protection should he decide to continue groping me (yeah, he told me he really liked me even after I pushed him away) so I packed my bags and left for a hotel. But it's not a situation I can keep up for long.

I'd love to hear about your own hobbies though! I think what makes non-social hobbies a bit more challenging is that it's hard to make decent conversation with them, or have others engage in them with you. Firsthand experience tells me that's not great for relationships or friendships... Languages have been one of the best parts of my life. They're exactly the type of challenge I enjoy. I love the feeling of knowing that you can never completely learn a language - they keep growing and changing!
I left the hotel yesterday to hunt for a supermarket but I got lost (heh) even with a GPS helping me out. I've been shunning people a lot since I got here so I decided to go back to the hotel and just chat with friends back home :/

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