Good Taliban?

Pakistan public is in confused state. They really need a strong leader who can set some goals and honestly work towards them. He/she does't even need to meet those goals - just show that tangible progress is being made. Public really needs something to lift their morale. Right now things are happening just to go through the motion. There is no substance behind anything any of the leaders say.

As much it pains me to say it - Army is the only thing holding Pakistan together. Army is a (maybe the only) stable institution and has become the center of gravity. If you take Army out of the equation even for moment - everything will stop working. I mean why is the army is needed for -

  • Census - Government says it cant conduct census because it needs Army. I mean what about all other public sector employees? Cant they go out and count how many people live in a given household? In last 45 years - Pakistan has had only 1 census in 1998.
  • Installing water meters - Where is the department who gets funding to do this?
  • Holding elections - no one will trust any election results if army was not present at polling booths.

Army should be used primarily for defending the border and can come to aid of public if there is a natural disaster etc. It should not be used for day to day operations.

I am not even going to touch the South Punjab issue.

/r/pakistan Thread