Goodbye Ontario

I've voted in every provincial election and no matter who is in charge I notice absolutely no changes in my life. I still struggle to pay the bills, I have no hope of buying a home, I see the rich getting richer while every single person around me is going through the same struggles as me. Every political party is the same for me at this point. None of them help the average person, all they care about is getting paid. Why should I care anymore? It's exhausting. I wish things would actually change when different parties were elected but I have seen no changes in my lifetime. I could be wrong, I hope I am, and if someone wants to show me the difference that each party makes - actual, physical proof of them helping PEOPLE, not corporations, and not just campaign promises - I would love to be proven wrong. If not, par for the course. Life sucks but it goes on.

/r/ontario Thread Link -