Google is taking the fight against Microsoft Office 365 to schools

Obviously you can't read. If someone's internet is down, You can still use Word.

Are you a troll, or just an idiot? Your original statement was "Word allows offline editing and creating if you already have the application. Where as Docs, You need a internet connection to get to, UNLESS you've already downloaded the file", to which I responded "Where did you get the Word application, if not online? A CD? What year is this again?". You had to install Word somehow, just like you had to get the Google Docs app somehow.

Congrats. Another opinion based statement.

Yes, I provided my experience and asked you for a counterexample. You claiming that there was useful "service integration" is also an opinion.

And yes, I can. For Word, Flickr and Bing. For both searching which it has had since 2013, and adding images.

Who the fuck needs to use Flickr or the PoS that is Bing in a fucking word processor? That's what you consider useful service integration?

Cool. But that's only for those services. If you pay for a service you should get unlimited storage for everything that it is integrated with. In this case GMail and Drive.

Another opinion - and a ridiculously stupid one at that. Are you actually saying that every single service you pay for should give you unlimited storage? That there should be no tiered plans at all? I hate to break it to you, but your beloved MS' OneDrive has tiered plans as well. Not to mention the fact that I said that Google's service is FREE, and you said "If you pay for a service"!

Fun Fact. Only 1/3 of the world has access to Internet.

Yes, and? Obviously internet-based products are not meant for people that don't have internet. Would you say that MS Word is a bad program because a lot of people in the world don't have computers? No, you would say that the product isn't meant for them.

And Internet can go down unexpectedly anytime. Instead of thinking about No Internet, Think about Offline, and Offline and Roaming.

Well good thing you have offline editing! Honestly, how many fucking times do I need to say this?

why is everything you say so bias? I'm a Fanboy for thinking Microsoft has a better office suite? Lol.

Are you kidding me? I can say the exact same thing to you:
Why is everything you say so biased? I'm a Fanboy for thinking Google has better products? Lol.

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