Google tells employees to stop 'raging' about politics and fall in line

That's kind of missing the wider point.

Google's (Though this also applies to any large company) actions are inherently political. Things like implementing censorship systems to keep the Chinese government happy, or the acts of providing a platform to (neo)nazis and white nationalists or censoring them, are extremely political.

This leaves only two logically consistent stances you can take:

1) Employees should not consider the political implications of the work they do under an organisation.

2) Employees should consider the political implications of the work they do under an organisation.

Google's current problem is that several of it's most important employees have decided to take stance number 2, and would rather quit the company than change their stance on this issue.

This is contrary to the wider stance in the field, the so called "techbro" culture leans heavily into stance #1, arguing that it's not the employee's problem.

Whichever stance you, the reader, should take is one you need to figure out for yourself. Though I will leave you with a note to consider: Many of the employees who operated the gas chambers in nazi germany's extermination camps considered themselves to "just be doing their job". Can you really put blind faith in your management to do the right thing?

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