A GOP-backed bill in Oklahoma would fine drag performers up to $20,000 and have them face up to 2 years in jail for performing in front of a minor

This wording could lead to the arrest of actors in a slew of classic standard stage plays--including Shakespeare--as well as opera singers. The tradition of having a man play Lady Bracknell in The Importance of Being Earnest? Gone. Or playing the Witch in the opera of Hansel and Gretel.

And it's interesting how it singles out "feminine" personas. I guess they're fine with women dressing up as men, for some reason that isn't a moral crisis.

My local community theater is about to perform a play wherein the two leading male characters end up impersonating females as part of a scam. It's a total farce meant to be ridiculous, but under this law they would be at risk for being arrested if an audience member wanted to make a fuss about it.

This would have an absolutely chilling effect on theater and opera.

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