GOP Busted Using Cable Lobbyist Net Neutrality Talking Points: email from GOP leadership... included a "toolkit" (pdf) of misleading or outright false talking points that, among other things, attempted to portray net neutrality as "anti-consumer."

Just to save your internet? Not necessarily. That may not be enough of a reason. However, there are certainly enough reasons to vote out republicans even if you're a republican right now.

Corporate funding in a money=speech society, first past the post voting, gross gerrymandering, and a party that controls every branch of the government. Corporations have every interest to fund the fuck out of a party that controls every branch of the government, and that might just be enough to tip us into a permanent corpocracy (if we aren't already one).

The entire nation is in danger when one party controls every branch, and the internet is a hell of an issue on its own. Add in the money as speech, the broken voting system, and the gerrymandering I'd say you have every reason to vote for anyone who isn't a republican right now.

For Republicans in particular I'll also say ideologically, I'm probably more in line with republicans than democrats, so I'm not just trying to convert you. I understand and agree with many if not most of the criticisms of the whiny, smug liberals. But, big industry is just as bad as big government, and it might very well be the bigger threat right now.

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