The GOP is just the ultimate face of evil in the US right now.

There’s always a way to spin what somebody says and take it out of context.

There is no appropriate context for "if we don't get what we want, we'll burn it down". That's actually fascist, just like BLM now unironically making people raise their arms in the air and recite a slogan.

Lol. I cant even tell if this is a false equivalency because I got no clue what about WWII in relation to an American civil rights movement about systemic racism against the black community in policing/criminal justice and calling for reforms you’re talking about.

It's in reference to "mostly peaceful protests". Aside from you tacitly agreeing with my first comment by reverting back to the old narrative, (the current narrative is: there are riots and they're Trump's fault, remember? Even you don't believe it.), the point is that any standard of "mostly peaceful" being used to describe the protests can also apply to things that most definitely were not peaceful, like war. The protests were mostly peaceful in duration of time? So was the was. Peaceful mostly by square mileage? So was war. It's demonstrating that "mostly peaceful" is just a meaningless buzzword.

he isnt President for life,

I agree this is good. But his Supreme Court appointments are there for life. If re-elected, he'll have RBG's seat to fill for sure, and likely Clarence Thomas will retire. Who knows what else will happen in the SCOTUS and circuit courts.

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