GOP senators who pushed Trump to ditch Paris deal took over $10 million from big oil

Western Socialists need to unite under the same principal. We all want to work for our selves. We want working freedom. The same entitlements the middle-class have but without the material gluttony.

That's simple and clear, dare I say, uncorruptable. We want to be our own bosses. Capitalism is an inconsequential thing in order to achieve that. They can put forward theories that doing it there way is a valid way to achieve these ends, but we choose our own way, thank you for your input we'll take it onboard. Keep moving forward, old ideas are cheap and always there. Looking for new ways is how you keep your self from being tired and old.

I'm lucky I get to live each day as I please in this capitalist system. I use as little as possible and my labour goes to benifit my community and people's lives directly.

But youth and the economic climate gives me this opportunity. Within the capitalist systems I have friends who're politicians, lawyers and accountants. Also young, not so powerful but ruthlessly determined. We're united by our ideals and culture. Sometimes we feel like the only ones.

But if we care enough to dedicate our lives to the simple idea of giving our people, the working people, the freedom they deserve then I have to assume others are quietly working away for the same cause.

Nothing is permanent, everything is in flux.

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