GOP Utah governor blames right-wing media for vaccine hesitancy: "It's killing people"

Yeah I totally understand the 9/11 comparison it just doesn’t work for me. I had just turned 5 and living in NJ. My mom crying watching the news is honestly my first clear memory as shitty as that is. I remember everyone being sad, my brother’s baseball coach didn’t make it and I remember my moms being shook up because my grandma had retired from high up in the North Tower in July, but that’s pretty much all I got. Very very glad that’s all I remember tbh, I can’t think of anyone that looks back at that period with any fondness except for the overall sense of National unity I keep hearing about but can’t possibly imagine. The one thing my dad said though recently was that the early months of covid were oddly and morbidly familiar in the city. Everyone being scared together but also with that same sense of “we’re in this together” for the vast majority of people here.

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